martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

Comparartives and superlatives:adjectives

Look at the information about three brands of microwaves. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use the comparative form, the superlative form or (not) as ... as. 

Microwave      Price    Model    Size      Details
Power-Cook   &150      2013       large    easy to use

                                                              latest design
Starline          &130      2010      medium  best seller

Hammond      &130     2014      medium  not baking

1 The Hammond is .... (new) the Starline.
2 The Starline is ... (old) microwave.
3 The Starline is ... (expensive) the Hammond.
4 The Hammond is ... (large) the Power-Cook
5 The Power-Cook is ... (practical) microwave.

Look at the information again and write sentences with the words below. Use less ... than or the least ...

1 the Starline / modern / the Power-Cook

2 the Hammond / practical / the microwave

3 the Power-Cook and Hammond / popular / the Starline

Choose the correct answer.

1 Pizza is the less unusual / least unusual item on the menu. 

2 Ice cream is least popular / less popular than chocolate cake in this café. 

3 Marco's restaurant is less noisy / least noisy than the other restaurants in the area. 

4 Chips are less healthy / least healthy than salad.

5 That melon is the less ripe / least ripe one.

6 That cheese is the less strong / least strong cheese in the market.

7 Today, the chef is least miserable / less miserable than she was yesterday.

8 In my opinion, the film about the bakery was the less interesting / least interesting one.     

Look at the information about three brands of microwaves. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use the comparative form, the superlative form or (not) as ... as. 

Microwave      Price    Model    Size      Details
Power-Cook   &150      2013       large    easy to use
                                                              latest design
Starline          &130      2010      medium  best seller

Hammond      &130     2014      medium  not baking

1 The Hammond is NEWER THAN (new) the Starline.
2 The Starline is THE OLDES (old) microwave.
3 The Starline is AS EXPENSIVE AS (expensive) the Hammond.
4 The Hammond is NOT AS LARGE AS (large) the Power-Cook
5 The Power-Cook is THE MOST PRACTICAL (practical) microwave.

Look at the information again and write sentences with the words below. Use less ... than or the least ...

1 the Starline IS LESS MODERN THAN the Power-Cook

2 the Hammond IS THE LEAST PRACTICAL the microwave

3 the Power-Cook and Hammond LESS POPULAR THAN  the Starline

Choose the correct answer.

1 Pizza is the  least unusual item on the menu. 

2 Ice cream is  less popular than chocolate cake in this café. 

3 Marco's restaurant is less noisy  than the other restaurants in the area. 

4 Chips are less healthy  than salad.

5 That melon is the least ripe one.

6 That cheese is the  least strong cheese in the market.

7 Today, the chef is  less miserable than she was yesterday.

8 In my opinion, the film about the bakery was the  least interesting one.     



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